Frequently Asked Question

Managing Clever Teacher Pages
Last Updated 5 years ago

-Clever is accessed at

-Your teacher page can be selected at the top of your Clever dashboard


-You can also add an additional page by clicking the Add button at the bottom right, and selecting page


-Once in your page, you can change who the page is shared with at the top left of the page. This allows you to share with all your students, or dial into a specific class. For instance, if your 5th period class needs access to a specific resource for a project you're working on, you can create them a separate page and only give them access to it.


-Adding resources to a page is done the same way as adding a new page. Click the green Add button in the bottom right. Options include Categories, which create a folder within your page, Links, which allow you to link to outside websites, and Apps, which allow you to add Clever applications that we as a District may not currently be pushing out to your students (note that some of these applications do have an additional cost, so not every app in the library can be utilized)


-Categories and apps are pretty self explanatory, but Links will bring up a new dialog. 

The top field in the dialog is for the link to the resource, so navigate to where you want the link to go to in another tab of your browser and copy the URL from your address bar and paste it into that field. 

Below that is the name that you want the link to show as. In Brandy's page below, you can see that she has named her link "No Red Ink". 

Next, you have a drop down to assign a category if you have created any. 

And finally, you have the ability to choose an icon. Clever provides a couple basic ones, but I tend to link going to Google and searching the images section for a more accurate representation of the resource I am linking. Once you've found an image, you can right click on it and save it to your computer. Then, simply click on the icon option for "UPLOAD" and select your picture. It will upload that image and make it the icon for your link.


-Additional information on all things Clever can be found in the Clever academy. You can access it here:

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